Thursday, May 28, 2015

nunatak - Words of Wisdom
pyrrhuloxia - not in any major list; has typical Greek pattern
scherenschnitte - Words of Wisdom

zimocca - Words of Wisdom

nixtamal -Spanish, Nahuatl, Words of Wisdom

hippocrepiform - easy word if you know the root hippocrepis - horse boot

paroemiology - Gk paroemi

scacchite - It

pipsissewa - Cree

bruxellois - French Words of Wisdom

zimocca - Latin has similar ending - occa- like saltimbocca
sprachgefuhl - Words of Wisdom , easy if you know the German patterns
myrmotherine - o- tricky letter that denotes the schwa sound
filicite - filicis -fern : have to straight out know the root filicis in order to spell this tricky word
urgrund - German, CWL Infrequent, Rebecca Spelling Note Book
cypseline - Greek cypselos - swift

tantieme - French word, Words of Wisdom
thamakau -Fijian, not in any of the major lists
scytale - Words of Wisdom

zygoneure - CWL (Moderate Frequency)
acritarch - Rebecca's Spelling Notebook
bouquetiere- Words of Wisdom
caudillismo- Spanish not on common lists

cibarial - L cibarius food , Words of Wisdom
iridocyclitis - staright forward word with irido- iris and cyclo- itis- inflammation

canossa  - Words of Wisdom, italian

tortillon - straight forward French word ,Words of Wisdom

minhag - Words of Wisdom ,Hebrew word

reclame  -Words of Wisdom
tartarean -

Round 9

oflag - a tricky German word with an o for the \ah\ sound

billiken - Words of Wisdom

Round 8

backfisch - CWL Frequently Asked, Words of Wisdom
poblacion - Words of Wisdom

2015 Scripps National Spelling Bee Finals
Round 7

cerastes - late ME from Latin from Greek, Not in any of the major lists