Thursday, May 29, 2014

Round 7
chrysochlorous- from CWL Moderate ,was previously asked in 2003 in the first round.

rhadamanthine - from CWL Moderate, asked before in 2001 and 2006.

tapotement- asked before in 2006.

charcuterie- also from 2003, in CWL Moderate

onychoschizia- never asked before, but sufficient root knowledge will do for this word.

detraque - never asked before, from French

holophote- never asked before; roots holo + phote - Greek sufficient root knowledge would help.

osteochondrous-  Greek can be broken down into the roots osteo- bone + chondro- cartilage. Fairly simple.

oxygnathous- another Greek word. Another word that can be spelled with sufficient root knowledge.

ecribellate - from Greek. Derived from the New Latin root, cribellum.

gematria- derivative of this word, gematrial, was asked in 2006. Another Greek word!

This round was a Greek- heavy round! 8 out of 12 words were Greek!

Round 8
taglione - Italian name
munchausenism - German name. The derivative, munchausen, was asked in 2005.
guillemet - French name, never asked before.
collyrium- Greek, Another word from 2006!
chartula - Greek. Yet another Greek word!
guttatim- Latin, comes from L root gutta -drop.
encastage - French; hasn't been asked in recent years.
tastevin- French ; has not been asked in recent years.
exochorion- Greek; comes from the roots exo- out + chorion - embryonic membrane; hasn't been asked in recent years.
dactylion- comes from the Greek root dactyl - finger; was in CWL Moderate and asked in 2001. Yet another Greek word!
hallenkirche- comes from German roots- halle- hall and kirche-church; was never asked before.

7 spellers remain!

Round 9
carcharodont- comes from Greek root carcharos- jagged, dont- tooth.
logodaedaly-  comes from 2004; the tricky root is key, daedal, meaning skillful.
bunuelo-  a Spanish word; wasn't asked before.
pampootie-French,  another new word that hasn't been asked before! This word is the alteration of papoosh.
hexerei- German; German root heren- witchcraft.
vorspiel- German; Another German word!; German roots- vor- before, spiel - play.
cahier- French; was in the 2004 cwl infrequent list.
Perfect Round!

Round 10
kabaragoya- of unknown origin
shibuichi- Japanese;
brindisi- Italian from German;cwl moderate.
kalanchoe- cwl infrequent, also asked in 2006.
criollismo- derivative of Spanish word criollo.
typothetae- cwl frequent, Greek, wasn't asked before
chalybeate- Latin root chalyb-steel

6  Spellers Remain !

Round 11
aetites- Greek root aetites- eagle
irbis- Russian, Mongol.; hasn't been asked before
bradypodoid- New Latin,  genus word.
bagwyn- another unknown word.
kulturkreis- German; roots kultur- culture, kreis - area, circle
croquignole-French; previously asked in 2006.

4 Spellers Remain!

Round 12
eryngo - Greek ; eryngion -Latin root; never asked before.
semmel- cwl infrequent, German, a bread roll.
depayse- cwl infrequent, French depayse -( remove a person)
ctenoid- Greek cten- comb,  asked in 2004 , cwl infrequent
Round 13 - Championship Rounds
bamboche- American French bambochade - spree,
lamentabile- Latin , lamentabilis - sad (lament)
lotophagi- Greek loto- lotus, phagein - to eat, never asked before

Round 13
abaisse- French, never asked before
nocifensor-never asked before; noci - pain, fensor- (from defense)
Aeschylean- asked in 2001, cwl frequent, Greek

Round 14
Kierkegaardian - 2004; Danish philosopher
characin- NL genus, cwl moderate
gemeinschaft- German gemein- common, schaft- ship; wasn't asked before

Round 15
corpsbruder- German comrade; never asked before
antigropelos- Greek pelos-sand, hygros -wet, anti-against; waterproof leggings; never asked before

Round 16
hyblaean- honey, mellifluous; asked in 2005

Round 17
feijoada- my regional bee winning word!; Portuguese Brazilian stew.

Round 18
sdrucciola - Italian
holluschick-German; both words never asked before

Round 19
thymelici- plural known; plural; thymele
paixtle- Mex Spanish

*Both words never asked before

Round 20
encaenia- Greek caen- new
terreplein- Latin plenus -full

Round 21
stichomythia- Greek 2006 word sticho -rows
feuilleton- French feuillet-leaf; part of a newspaper; cwl moderate; 2005 word

Congrats Sriram and Ansun on a well-deserved win!

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